Technology and Pain

When it comes to pain in the office, it’s not the problem with the monitor, mouse or keyboard. A well ergonomically designed work station will help decreases stress on our body. But what happens when you go home to cook and are standing off balance or sit in a slouched position to read your child bed time story ? The problem doesn’t reside in your keyboard, cooking pan or bed time book .The problem resides in the human body.

Sad but True:- As much as we may hate to admit it ,our parents and grandparents may have been right when they said “sit up straight “or “you know ,if you slouch ,you may get stuck like that one day “.This isn’t far from truth .That’s because the body responds to the demands placed on it .With the advent of technology ,the body isn’t moving like it used to.

We are living in a time when more work is being done while sitting, rather than standing or moving .Movement is the key while in increase in physical activity combats the effects of cardiovascular disease; the same is true for pain accompanying injuries resulting from office work. Pain is debilitating for your body and you psyche .Carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative disc disease ,Shoulder impingement, Knee, Back, Hip problems as well as a myriad of other aches and pains associated with office work can be treated by introducing POSTURE ALIGNMENT THERAPY ..

The vast ray of hope in all of this .The machine we call a body was perfectly designed to handle any and all types of motion .The problem is when we stop moving – we lose mobility and the result is the intrusion of pain .It is up to you to return motion to your daily routine. If you do, you will reduce chronic pain.

Built for motion :-Our bodies well designed with a big central computer, your brain ,to direct two arms,two legs and a torso to move around to gather food ,build and use tools ,to hunt or escape danger by running, jumping and climbing. Over the years, the advanced tools we have created have slowly led to physical degeneration .

Ironic,isn’t it ? The car we drive and the computer we use are slowly breaking down the very thing were meant to save our bodies .At the same time,we have tended to use one side of our body more than the other creating muscular imbalances.When muscular imbalances occur, joint misalignment take place and when joint misalignment are present ,it is only a matter of time before pain starts to creep in .

Technology isn’t the problem .The problem is our lack of motion. As you sit in a shortened and flexed position over eight hours a day ,five days a week ,your body begins to react to this just as it would if you were training for a Marathon ,but instead of gaining muscular endurance and strength, you begin to lose endurance and strength as well as flexibility and range of motion.

The Solution:

Posture alignment therapy is a proven and most effective method to correct Musculo skeletal imbalances and relieve chronic pain .It addresses the root cause of the problem rather than the symptom .With the above mentioned lifestyle ,hips are pulled out of alignment.Hips is the base and foundation of the human body.Disparity of the hips causes the body to misaligned,resulting in chronic pain from head to toe. For (eg) if your neck or knee hurts ,it is in the hips which need to be addressed ‘The cause’ rather than the neck or knee which is ‘The Symptom’ .