About Preethi. B

M.D(A.M), P.A.S (Egoscue Method, California) Certified Posture Alignment Specialist. For Appointment: (+91) 9176997621

Children’s Posture

The good posture habits should be taught at a very early age just as reading, writing, counting, and math are. By age 5 when most children enter kindergarten, many children are already developing postural imbalances such as forward head posture, abducted and pronated feet, rounded shoulders and internally rotated arms, internal or external femur rotation, valgus or varus knees, anterior or posterior pelvic tilt, and thoracic kyphosis.

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Idiopathic Back Pain

Idiopathic means of unknown cause and often of spontaneous origin. Idiopathic back pain is back pain that doctors cannot explain because there is not obvious structural cause of the pain like a herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or stenosis. Idiopathic back pain is the “diagnosis” given by doctors to patients that have chronic (over 6 months) back pain and they have been unable to figure out why.

Idiopathic is used to define other problems in the body also. Idiopathic scoliosis, which accounts for 80% of all scoliosis cases, is the name given to scoliosis that wasn’t caused by a birth defect, neurological condition such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy, or an injury. But something caused the scoliosis to form, it’s just that doctors haven’t figured it out.

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Technology and Pain

When it comes to pain in the office, it’s not the problem with the monitor, mouse or keyboard. A well ergonomically designed work station will help decreases stress on our body. But what happens when you go home to cook and are standing off balance or sit in a slouched position to read your child bed time story ? The problem doesn’t reside in your keyboard, cooking pan or bed time book .The problem resides in the human body.

Sad but True:- As much as we may hate to admit it ,our parents and grandparents may have been right when they said “sit up straight “or “you know ,if you slouch ,you may get stuck like that one day “.This isn’t far from truth .That’s because the body responds to the demands placed on it .With the advent of technology ,the body isn’t moving like it used to.

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Your posture and its effect on Knees

The Knee is a complex joint that does a simple job: synchronising the hip and ankle or Knee is a simple joint doing a complex job. Both are true.

Healthy knees need only one thing: alignment with the other load bearing joints. Knees rarely have problems if they are aligned and allowed to work in association with the ankles and hips, but if your hip is rotated or elevated, which usually happens with the majority of the population, the unequal weight distribution affects the knee .In most cases knee pain vanishes if your hip alignment is restored.

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