Children’s Posture

The good posture habits should be taught at a very early age just as reading, writing, counting, and math are. By age 5 when most children enter kindergarten, many children are already developing postural imbalances such as forward head posture, abducted and pronated feet, rounded shoulders and internally rotated arms, internal or external femur rotation, valgus or varus knees, anterior or posterior pelvic tilt, and thoracic kyphosis.

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Your posture and its effect on Knees

The Knee is a complex joint that does a simple job: synchronising the hip and ankle or Knee is a simple joint doing a complex job. Both are true.

Healthy knees need only one thing: alignment with the other load bearing joints. Knees rarely have problems if they are aligned and allowed to work in association with the ankles and hips, but if your hip is rotated or elevated, which usually happens with the majority of the population, the unequal weight distribution affects the knee .In most cases knee pain vanishes if your hip alignment is restored.

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